domingo, 30 de enero de 2011


Youtube Inc. was founded on February, 2005 in San bruno (California) by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. They had met them at Paypal, Chad worked as a designer and Steve and Jawed as engineer.
Chad Hurley was born in 1977 near Birdsboro, Pennsylvania. His family was compounded by Don and Joann Hurley and two siblings. His interests in computers and electronic media took place during high school. He was member of the Technology Student Asociation. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1999. Before he would graduate college, Chad sent his resume to Paypal (a new company dedicated to enabling PDA users to sent money among themselves). He was called for a job and designed the Paypal's logo.
Steve Chen was born in 1978 in Taipei, Taiwan. When he was eight years old emigrated with his family to the United States. He estudied at Illinois Math and Science Academy and then at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He met Jawed Karim in their degree in Computer Science. Then he met Chad Hurleywhen he was an employee at Paypal.
Jawed Karim was born in 1979 in Merseburg, East Germany. He moved with his family to the United States in 1992. He graudated from Central High School and attended the University of Illionis at Urbana-Champaign. He also became an early employee at Paypal. While they were developing Youtube, Jawed enrroled as a graduate student in his study field at Standford University.
The idea of Youtube was born after a dinner party, when Hurley and Chen wanted to share videos and they had several difficulties for doing it. Despite of Karim's version, it was the easiest story that they thought in order to be more beliable to hte market.
The domain name was actived on February the 14th of 2005. And in April the 23th of 2005 the first Youtube video was entittled "Me at the Zoo" starring Karim at the San Diego Zoo. However, founders saw that users started uploading all kinds of videos, forgetting then the original idea.
Youtube grew up extraordinarily because people inserted Youtube links in their pages of MySpace, etc. Due to the unexpected demand, Time Warner and Sequoia Capital invested in Youtube as well as Nike also uploaded a spot. So many great companies used Youtube to advertise their products. On June 2008, 38% percent of videos viewed on the Internet came from Youtube and the nearest oppposite company represented a 4%. At the same month, an advertisement in Youtube costed around 175.000 dollars per day and the customer had to invest 50.000 dollars in other sites in Google or Youtube webs. These advertisements didn't attract people so prices went down and Youtube decided adding trailers of films in high quality. Youtube put them at the beginning of each video, but the 70% of viewers didn't watch it at all. Anything resolved this situation so Youtube isn't recognized as the media of advertisements. Youtube is regarded as a complement of television because television is not damaged by Youtube, in contrast,  programms are given audience and make them well-known throughout the world.
The site enhance its visits rapidly. From December 2005 to May 2006 increased their views from 50 millions video views per day to 100 millions video views per day. By this time, the New York Post estimated Youtube cost was about 600 or 1000 millions dollars. ranks Youtube the third most visited website in the United States, behind Google or Facebook. Other companies like MySpace or Google created their own Yotube versions but their attemps were unsuccessful.According to data published by market research company com Score, Youtube provide around 43 percent of online video and more than 14 billion videos viewed in May 2010.

-On October 2006 , Yotube offices were situated in San Mateo County. It was  approximately  compound by sixty employees.
-Universal Music Group had announced Youtube owed them several millions dollars because of violation of author's rights. Mark Cuban co-founder of, a radio service on the Internet had promise to improve their service in order to avoid the illegal uploading of videos in Youtube, helped by Warner Music.
-On the other side, the choice of the name led to more problems for a similary named website, Universal Tube & Rollform Equipmet, the owner filed a lawsuit against Youtube On November 2006. Universal Tube has already changed their name into
-On October 2006, the solution of all problems arrived by Google Inc. This company acquired Youtube for $1.65 billion in google stock. Hurley and Chen held the same positions as well as the first sixtyseven employees. Some days before, Youtube had signed deals with Universal Group and CBS, and Google in their own had signed deals with Sony BMG and Warner Music in order to distribute musical videos. Chad Hurley's part rised until 345.6 millions dollars (694,087 Google stocks directly and another 41,232 stocks in a trust). His partners Steve Chen and Jawed Karim received 326.2 millions and 64.4 millions dollars respectively. (625,366 and 137,443 Google stocks, respectively).
-On March the 13th of 2007, Viacom an entertainment company owner of channel such as MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount, Dream Works and Comedy Central field a suit against Youtube because of the unauthorised uploading videos of its property. The video-sharing site of Google was protected from being sued for copyright infringement under the US law, so that it fended off the 1500 millions dollars lawsuit. Youtube co-founders' fear became reality when they saw some users of Youtube didn't share experiences, just took Youtube as the mechanism to commit infringements in copyright material. However, they are not responsibles of users' actions consequently they propmtly remove illegal material when they are notified of a violation. Viacom complained Youtube uploaded more than 160.000 of their protected video by author's rights, which have been watched around 1500 times. Viacom and Youtube opened fire with doubtful accusations each other. On June the 24th of 2010, Viacom appealed against the judgement. Therefore, the war hasn't finished yet and their stocks fall 0,8% for Youtube in Nasdaq and 1% for Viacom in stock exchange of New York.
-On October 2010, Hurley stepped down as Chief Executive Officer of Youtube to take an advisory role. Therefore, Salar kamangar took over as head of the company.
Youtube has suffered censorship by many countries due to the controversial material, critics and insults. It is the case of 24 countries in different continents such as People's Republic of China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Tailand or Germany. People's Republic of China forbidden to Youtube showing videos about hidings by warriors to Tibetans in 2008 or in March the 3rd, 23th and 24th it was also blocked. In case of Turkey, jokes to the politician of turkish nation, Mustafa Kemal Atartürk. Youtube removed all videos from Turkish IP in June of 2008. Thailand, on 2006, applied for Youtube remove videos containing insults to the king Bhumidol Adulyadej regards as a crime in Thailand. Youtube closed the Thai IP. In the case of Germany, on Abril of 2009, Youtube stopped sending out musical videos to avoid problems with GEMA. This autoblocked dropped off a 4,3% less of users.
Youtube Inc. was created in the United States of America but quickly was spread around the world with different domains from different countries.

Fecha de lanzamiento
8 de Septiembre 2010
22 de octubre 2007
19 de junio de 2007
6 de noviembre de 2007
9 de octubre de 2008
19 de junio de 2007
8 de noviembre de 2007
17 de octubre de 2007
16 de septiembre de 2008
7 de mayo de 2008
19 de junio de 2007
19 de junio de 2007
19 de junio de 2007
23 de enero de 2008
11 de octubre de 2007
19 de junio de 2007
22 de octubre de 2007
19 de junio de 2007
13 de noviembre de 2007
19 de junio de 2007
22 de octubre de 2007
18 de octubre de 2007
19 de junio de 2007

How Youtube works

Now, we are going to show you how youtube works at this moment. It worked differently before they belong to Google, that's because now, they have more cash and applications to work with. Let's see the inside part of youtube.

It works with the Suse distribution of Linux, that's because Linux is the most used operating system for programmers due to its amount of utilities and developing packages. Their web system is Apache, in an improved faster version known as 'lighttpd'. They use a programmation language called PHP and they also use a database known as MySQL.
Let's explain all of this: Lighttpd is a web server created to be fast, flexible, secure and to maintain the standards. It's optimized for environments where speed is important, because of that, it doesn't consumed that much CPU and RAM. Lighttpd is free software and it works under GNU/Linux and Unix oficially, but there's a distribution for Windows mantained by Kevin Worthington.
GNU/Linux is the free kernel similar to Unix, named as Linux. Its internal code is free to use, it's the best example of what a free software can do.
PHP is a programming language interpreted, it was originally designed to create dinamic webpages.
MySQL is a relational database management system with more than six millions of instalations.

Youtube itself serves more or less a hundred millions videos, it's a huge amount of videos, it can cause a saturation on the system, but when youtube detects that, it liberates a determined amount of MB to another server to liberate the system a bit. Thanks to this the system can work 24 hours without problem.  The web interfase works precaching the majority of the data. This means that the HTML data are loaded on the server memories to produce a fast response when something have to work.

The most important part of Youtube is the storaging and dumping of the videos. Let's see how it works.
To storage all this database, they have built a kind of special FAT to save all the videos in the HDDs (hard disk drive) (A FAT is a logical structure that allows to put in order all the data storaged in a storaging media like a HDD, DVD, CD, Bluray, etc.). Youtube make use of an special type of FAT, that can split a video into millions of small pieces to save them in different sectors of the physical unit. In terms of software, this has some advantages. It can save much space from the disk what makes Youtube use few HDDs. It also makes the videos to load faster. All videos are saved a lot of times on the disk, and have an on-line support system.
In terms of speed, Apache and his version 'lighttpd' only work well when they have a constant request, as far as they have a constant petition, the proceed registering the majority of the answers and consuming less memory, but it is a expensive solution for the constant answering task that Youtube has.
When you come to Youtube and try to watch a video, you can see a first image to see f it is what you're looking for. This system to show a image when you are going to see a video has its own complexity too. There are 4 images to show in 1 video, counting the amount of videos in Youtube, it comes to hundreds of millions of videos, multiplying it four times, we come to see that there are thousands of images to show. To show this images, they use fast solutions like the special version of Apache, specialized databases...
But the problem is more huge than it seems to be, they say that images have more demand than videos. This is a problem because there are thousands of HDDs looking for a particular image, high resources and CPU consuming, servers that have to be restarted due to high temperature problems.
To fix this problem, Google came with a solution called BigTable. BigTable is a database storaging system thought to fix these kind of problems and to obtain fast responses based in contents indices.

What Youtube was, what’s now and what’s going to be
Youtube standard videos are in .flv, property of the Adobe Flash Company, that doesn’t allow users to do digital copies that easy. The videos are transformed from .flv to .mp4 to get HD video quality.
At the very beginning, Youtube could only serve a few videos in SD, the videos were extremely slow to load, and the quality was very, very bad.Now, The videos are divided in different qualities, that qualities are: 320p, 480p, high definition or true HD which is 1280x720 (720p) and now, they are adding videos in fullHD that are in a resolution 1920x1080 (1080p). The first two are in SD quality, this is Standard Definition. And the last two are HD, this is High definition. It must be said that the first videos were in 240p, the lowest resolution that are available nowadays. In 2008, Youtube changed the relation aspect for 4:3 to 16:9, this is, from the standard format, to the new panoramic format. Panoramic format is more wide than tall. This means that in a panoramic format, we’ll see more things than in a standard format, due to that new feature. We can see the differences between the video qualities in the following link:
Let’s see it more tidy



Nowadays, what Youtube is looking for, are the 3D quality videos. At this moment, we have very few 3D videos, in low quality formats. This has nothing to do with the video quality, this has to do with the form in what we perceive the 3D effect. We have some options that will allow us to see the 3D effect. First of all, we have the anaglyph format, this format consists in colour glasses, with one glass of a colour and the other one with another colour.  Europe has a standard anaglyph format called the red/cyan format, this consists of colour glasses with the left glass red, and the right one cyan. In U.S.A, they have other standard format for anaglyph 3D, it is the green/magenta format, but there are other formats like blue/yellow format. To see the anaglyph format, the video is doubled putting the red image for example, in the left side, and the cyan image in the right side of the video. Depending on the separation of the image, we will see more 3D effect, or less 3D effect. More separation, more 3D effect, but within limits, much separation will provoke that will be no 3D effect to see.
Anaglyph is not the only way to see 3D, in modern tvs we have new formats to see the 3D effect. We have the 3D tvs with glasses, this glasses can be either active or passive. Active glasses require synchronization with the tv, when you synchronize the glasses with the tv, the glasses get darker and the image is doubled, but not in the same way that in anaglyph format, the image is doubled, but the same image, with the same colours. Passive glasses don’t require synchronization, are less dark and maintain the original shine of the image more than the active ones. We can see a 3D HD video in the following video:

Let’s see it in a table:

Need of special television
Conservation of colours


No, they become more red
No, they become more blue
No, they become more green
Yes, but the image become darker
Yes, but become slightly darker

That is nowadays, but what will we see in the future? Future questions are always hard to answer, but we have some certain things that we could answer right here. The future of Youtube is clearly passing through 3D video. 3D video is a low advanced technology nowadays and it’s extremely expensive. The formats that we have now, are nothing compared to the formats that they are investigating. One format that will be available in a short space of time is the polarized format, this is the format that they use in films. This format consists of two projectors with polarized filters to see the two images by putting on our passive polarized glasses. This is the best format nowadays, but the two projectors are really expensive.

The other format known, but more distant in the future, is the non-glasses 3D format. This is, 3D without glasses, and a much more envolving effect, with the comforce of non having glasses.
The other thing that we can answer here is that Youtube will be growing up as a social network, but this thing will be seen in the next part.
Youtube as a social network

We can define Youtube as ‘your receptor or spreading television transmitter’, because Tube refers to the device of electrones where the television picture is generated.
In the other hand, we can define ‘Broadcast Yourself’ as spreading yourself.
Youtube is a site where the user can send comments, upload videos and do some other things, leaving ‘fingerprints’ while you navigate through the site. The other users will see this interventions later on.
Youtube has have a great impact in the popular culture, prove of this, is that personalities like Tony Blair, have used this social network to spread messages or other things. Particularly, Tony Blair used this to send a congratulation message to France Prime Minister, Nicolás Sarkozy.
Youtube is also used to spread information about artists and politics. They have their own channel called Citizen Tube, a space where politicians in campaign spread their ideas. In the same way, the E.U. created its own space to communicate with its citizens.
The videos have different subjects, for example, a video showing a determined place where people live would show fraternity between citizens. Pornography is forbidden in Youtube, because of that, the people that wanted to watch pornography created YouPorn, but this has nothing to do with Youtube creators or employees.
Youtube has been criticized because it allowed some videos that are not of good morality. These are videos about fights between people of different colours in U.S.A., videos about people mistreating other people... videos with a tematic of terrorism and webcam videos where there are erotic postures without nakedness. There are videos about people filming private parts of other people without their agreement in public places, such as the bus or the underground, these videos are what they called voyeurism.
Polemic subjects such as xenophobia, fascism, and discrimination, are usual in Youtube.
Studying the way users in Youtube interact, we must see what were available before, and what’s available now.
At the very beginning, users only could upload videos and rate them between one to five stars. Then they added the option to write comments below the videos. After this, they added also the option to add the uploaders as friends and then the option to suscribe to the uploaders account to be aware of what they upload. There is the option to create an account and edit it changing the wallpaper, etc. and you can comment in other’s space, etc. just like in facebook, tuenti, twitter, etc.
As you can see, Youtube, is fully a social network, you can interact with other users, you can upload and comment videos, you can suscribe to other’s account to be aware of what they upload and what they like, etc.

Francisco Gonzalo Arias-Camisón Sabio
María Victoria Calle Rodríguez

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